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Firefly Farm


What's happening at the farm?  

Vegetables that are growing include: Spinach, leaf lettuce, beets, onions, and garlic. 

We're still harvesting kale that over-wintered. 

Tomato seedlings accidentally "fried" in the greenhouse this week when we forgot to roll up the sides! We're trying to get them into the ground as soon as possible, hoping they'll recover. 

Many beds are waiting to be weeded, amended and tilled. 


In the flower gardens, foxglove started to emerge but faded after a cold snap. They appear to be lost. The summer sweet (clethera) did not survive the winter, nor did anise hyssop. One of the roses is beginning to bloom, as is dianthus,  baptisia, bleeding heart, yarrow, cat mint, and one early cone flower. The honeysuckle vine is growing rapidly and beginning to bud.  Swamp milkweed has emerged along with prairie coneflower, kiwi, goji berry, bear's breeches, nodding onion and coral bells.  Many borage plants are showing up, the result of natural seeding. Lobelia, salvia, tickseed, turtle head, clematis, butterfly bush and Becky daisy are making early appearances. 


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