Light at the end of the spinning tunnel
October 20, 2022 For two months, I have suffered from vertigo, mild most of the time, but intense at others. The intense times create...
Posts From Long Ago:
Only 3 weeks until Spring? hat is, if the groundhog is correct. After numbers high wind warnings, flood warnings, polar vortex...
Settling in at the farm
Outside temperature: 44 In the greenhouse temperature: 99. Beautiful clear skies, grass sown last November is slowly germinating. After...

Another glorious sunset
A typical sunset, colors so vivid they appear unreal. In certain light, the buds on nearby trees are very evident.

Gas line moves up the road
When we came up our street today, there were several "Road Work Ahead" signs. A contractor for Dominion extended the main supply line to...

What we'll miss in suburbia
People watching! For the last week, we've observed a neighbor diligently power washing his tires and wheels, inside and out, after...

Well, well!!!!
I've never watched the drilling of a well. It's a fascinating process. A dynamic duo drove a million dollar rig (no kidding) from...

Here comes the furnace
Extraordinary heating guy Mike Daughenbaugh, KE8EHG, returned to set the furnace in place, a long process. It looks great. We're also...

Beginning to build a greenhouse
Here's Al, a few weeks ago, standing in the area that will become a greenhouse. It's one of the rare instances where communication wasn't...

No more raking leaves, we hope!
It's not unusual to rake and tightly pack a minimum of 75 bags of leaves on this 90 x 140 lot. We've been transporting the leaves to the...